Consumers Energy – JH Campbell Generating Plant, Unit 3

Unit 3 at the JH Campbell Station is Consumers Energy’s largest coal-fired generating unit, capable of generating up to 830 MW of power. Consumers Energy contracted with Boldt to erect a new air quality control system for this unit. This project required the construction of two Pulse Jet Fabric Filter (PJFF) baghouses, four Dry Spray Absorbers, air gas ductwork, lime process system and byproducts handling system.
This installation took advantage of the facility’s access to deliveries by lake barges. The baghouse modules and large ductwork were fabricated into assemblies that maximized the efficiency of assembly at the site. This method of deliveries presented significant challenges at the site for transportation and lifting these large modules into place. The sequencing of assembly and placement of large cranes on the site required close coordination with the remainder of the installation to assure minimal interference with other contractors and the operation of the plant during construction.
Consumers Energy
West Olive, Michigan
Black & Veatch
General Contractor
New Construction
830 MW
Project Highlights
- The project schedule experienced several changes during the bid process due to the owner’s needs. Boldt continued to work collaboratively to modify the plan and schedule to address various delays and modifications to equipment deliveries, and yet maintain schedule milestones and enhance production with modifications to the use of cranes and flow of manpower.