Minnesota Power – Boswell Energy Center, Unit 4

As part of Minnesota Power’s effort to upgrade their existing Boswell Energy Center for better environmental controls, the utility company engaged Boldt to serve as general contractor as part of a joint venture. Boldt’s scope of work included concrete foundations for new equipment, balance of plant (BOP) and equipment installation.
Equipment installation included the ALSTOM NID flue gas desulphurization system, lime storage and handling equipment, fabric filter equipment, ductwork, air compressors, process water equipment, waste ash dust collection, piping and building steel. Additionally, the project included the construction of auxiliary buildings, which included the NID electrical building and dry chemical building.
Minnesota Power
Cohasset, Minnesota
Burns & McDonnell
General Contractor
New Construction
585 MW
Project Highlights
- Boldt’s early involvement helped to align the engineering deliverables to support an aggressive construction surge required to get critical site and foundation work in place to avoid winter impacts.
- Pre-fabrication areas were established to preassemble mechanical duct and equipment into large assemblies. This allowed work to begin sooner, avoiding elevated work and minimizing winter construction.